-rw-r--r-- 16584 cryptattacktester-20231020/isd2.cpp raw
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include "decoding.h"
#include "bit.h"
#include "ram.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "subset.h"
#include "bit_vector.h"
#include "index.h"
#include "bit_matrix.h"
#include "bit_cube.h"
#include "column_swaps.h"
#include "parity.h"
#include "sorting.h"
#include "isd0.h"
using namespace std;
Let the partial weights of a solution be (w0, w1, 0, w2)
CHECKPI = 1: ensures that w0 = w1 = PI
CHECKPI = 0: do not check w0 and w1
CHECKSUM = 1: ensures that w0 + w1 + w2 = T
CHECKSUM = 0: ensures that w2 = T - 2PI
PI == PIJ*2 | CHECKPI | CHECKSUM | partial weights of solutions
Y | 1 | 1 | (2PIJ, 2PIJ, 0, T - 4PIJ)
Y | 1 | 0 | (2PIJ, 2PIJ, 0, T - 4PIJ)
Y | 0 | 1 | (2PIJ - 2x, 2PIJ - 2y, 0, T - 4PIJ + 2x + 2y)
Y | 0 | 0 | (2PIJ - 2x, 2PIJ - 2y, 0, T - 4PIJ) <= can be useful if we know that there is no solution of weight < T !!!
N | 1 | 1 | (PI, PI, 0, T - 2PI)
N | 1 | 0 | (PI, PI, 0, T - 2PI)
N | 0 | 1 | (2PIJ - 2x, 2PIJ - 2y, 0, T - 2PIJ + 2x + 2y) <= PI is ignored in this case
N | 0 | 0 | (2PIJ - 2x, 2PIJ - 2y, 0, T - 2PI) <= totally useless?
Since CHECKSUM = 1 is more expensive than CHECKSUM = 0, the useful cases are
1. (Y, 1, 0)
2. (N, 1, 0)
3. (Y, 0, 1) = (N, 0, 1)
4. (Y, 0, 0)
template<class AT,class BT>
static void shuffle(vector<AT> &A,vector<BT> &B)
bigint n = A.size();
assert(n == B.size());
permutation pi(n);
template<class AT,class BT,class CT>
static void shuffle(vector<AT> &A,vector<BT> &B,vector<CT> &C)
bigint n = A.size();
assert(n == B.size());
assert(n == C.size());
permutation pi(n);
template<class AT,class BT,class CT,class DT>
static void shuffle(vector<AT> &A,vector<BT> &B,vector<CT> &C,vector<DT> &D)
bigint n = A.size();
assert(n == B.size());
assert(n == C.size());
assert(n == D.size());
permutation pi(n);
vector<bit> isd2(
const vector<bit> &bits,
const vector<bigint> ¶ms,
const vector<bigint> &attackparams
bigint N = params.at(0);
bigint K_orig = params.at(1);
bigint T = params.at(2);
bigint pos = 0;
bigint ITERS = attackparams.at(pos++);
bigint RESET = attackparams.at(pos++);
bigint X = attackparams.at(pos++);
bigint YX = attackparams.at(pos++); auto Y = X+YX;
bigint PIJ = attackparams.at(pos++);
bigint PI = attackparams.at(pos++);
bigint L0 = attackparams.at(pos++);
bigint L1 = attackparams.at(pos++);
bigint CHECKPI = attackparams.at(pos++);
bigint CHECKSUM = attackparams.at(pos++);
bigint D = attackparams.at(pos++);
bigint Z = attackparams.at(pos++);
bigint QU0 = attackparams.at(pos++);
bigint QF0 = attackparams.at(pos++); auto PE0 = QF0*QU0;
bigint WI0 = attackparams.at(pos++);
bigint QU1 = attackparams.at(pos++);
bigint QF1 = attackparams.at(pos++); auto PE1 = QF1*QU1;
bigint WI1 = attackparams.at(pos++);
bigint FW = attackparams.at(pos++);
bigint L = L0 + L1;
assert(PI <= 2*PIJ);
assert(PI%2 == 0);
assert(D >= 1);
assert(!((D-1)>>L0)); // D <= 2^L0
auto inputs = decoding_deserialize(bits,params);
auto pk = inputs.first;
auto s = inputs.second;
vector<vector<bit>> H = bit_matrix_transpose_and_identity(pk);
vector<vector<bit>> column_map;
for (bigint i = 0; i < N; i++)
column_map.push_back(bit_vector_from_integer(i, nbits(N-1)));
bit alwayssystematic = 1;
bigint K = K_orig;
if (FW) {
alwayssystematic = parity_known(s,H,column_map,bit(T.bit(0)));
K -= 1;
vector<vector<bit>> initial_H = H;
vector<bit> initial_s = s;
vector<vector<bit>> initial_column_map = column_map;
bit initial_alwayssystematic = alwayssystematic;
bigint R = N - K;
bigint KK = K + L;
const bigint idx_bits = nbits((KK-Z+1)/2-1);
vector<bit> s_ret(N-K-L);
vector<vector<bit>> set_ret = bit_matrix(PIJ*4, idx_bits);
vector<vector<bit>> map_ret = bit_matrix(N, nbits(N-1));
bigint untilreset = 0;
for (bigint iter = 0; iter < ITERS; iter++)
// if alwayssystematic: H.at(i).at(j) == (i-KK == j-L) for KK <= i < N, 0 <= j < R
if (untilreset > 0) {
alwayssystematic &= column_swaps(s, H, column_map, N, K, L, X, Y);
} else {
untilreset = RESET;
H = initial_H;
s = initial_s;
column_map = initial_column_map;
if (iter == 0)
alwayssystematic = initial_alwayssystematic;
else {
alwayssystematic = bit_matrix_column_randompermutation(s,H,column_map);
if (FW) alwayssystematic &= initial_alwayssystematic;
bit_matrix_randomize_rows(H, s, L);
// partitioning s and H
vector<bit> s01 = bit_vector_extract(s, 0, L);
vector<bit> s2 = bit_vector_extract(s, L, R);
vector<vector<vector<bit>>> Hs01(2);
vector<vector<vector<bit>>> Hs2(2);
for (bigint i = 0; i < KK-Z; i++)
Hs01.at( (i < (KK-Z)/2) ? 0 : 1 ).push_back(bit_vector_extract(H.at(i), 0, L));
Hs2.at( (i < (KK-Z)/2) ? 0 : 1 ).push_back(bit_vector_extract(H.at(i), L, R));
// search for solution
bigint flip_idx;
vector<bigint> q_gray(0);
vector<vector<bit>> L0_sum(0), L1_sum[2];
vector<vector<vector<bit>>> L0_set(0), L1_set(0);
bigint lens[2] = {0,0};
for (bigint d = 0; d < D; d++) // randomizing search tree
vector<bit> L_root_01(0);
vector<bit> L_root_valid(0);
vector<vector<bit>> L_root_sum(0);
vector<vector<vector<bit>>> L_root_set(0);
for (bigint t = 0; t < 2; t++)
vector<bit> L_01(0);
vector<vector<bit>> L_sum(0);
vector<vector<vector<bit>>> L_set(0);
vector<bit> zz(L);
if (d == 0 and t == 0)
subset(L0_sum, L0_set, Hs01.at(0).size(), PIJ, idx_bits, zz, Hs01.at(0));
subset(L1_sum[0], L1_set, Hs01.at(1).size(), PIJ, idx_bits, zz, Hs01.at(1));
lens[0] = L0_sum.size();
lens[1] = L1_sum[0].size();
for (bigint i = 0; i < lens[1]; i++)
L1_sum[1].push_back(bit_vector_xor(L1_sum[0].at(i), s01));
if (d > 0) // making use of gray code
if (t == 0)
flip_idx = gray_idx(q_gray);
for (bigint i = 0; i < lens[1]; i++)
L1_sum[t].at(i).at(flip_idx) = ~L1_sum[t].at(i).at(flip_idx);
for (bigint i = 0; i < lens[0]; i++)
for (bigint i = 0; i < lens[1]; i++)
shuffle(L_01, L_sum, L_set);
sorting(L_01, L_sum, L_set, L0);
vector<bit> todo_check;
vector<vector<bit>> todo_sum;
vector<vector<vector<bit>>> todo_set;
for (bigint i = 0; i < L_sum.size()-1; i++)
for (bigint offset = 1;offset <= WI0;++offset) {
if (i+offset >= L_sum.size()) continue;
bit check = L_01.at(i) ^ L_01.at(i+offset);
check = check.andn(bit_vector_compare(bit_vector_extract(L_sum.at(i+0), 0, L0),
bit_vector_extract(L_sum.at(i+offset), 0, L0)));
vector<bit> v0 = bit_vector_extract(L_sum.at(i+0), L0, L);
vector<bit> v1 = bit_vector_extract(L_sum.at(i+offset), L0, L);
vector<bit> v = bit_vector_xor(v0, v1);
vector<vector<bit>> set(0);
for (bigint j = 0; j < PIJ; j++) set.push_back(L_set.at(i+0).at(j));
for (bigint j = 0; j < PIJ; j++) set.push_back(L_set.at(i+offset).at(j));
vector<bit> queue_valid(QU0);
vector<vector<bit>> queue_sum(QU0, vector<bit>(L1));
vector<vector<vector<bit>>> queue_set = bit_cube(QU0, PIJ*2, idx_bits);
bigint timer = 0;
for (bigint z = 0;z < todo_check.size();++z) {
timer = (timer + 1) % PE0;
if (z == todo_check.size()-1)
timer = 0;
auto check = todo_check.at(z);
auto sum = todo_sum.at(z);
auto set = todo_set.at(z);
bit_queue1_insert(queue_valid, check);
bit_vector_queue_insert(queue_sum, sum, check);
bit_matrix_queue_insert(queue_set, set, check);
// processing elements in the queue
if (timer == 0) //
for (bigint j = 0; j < QU0; j++)
// clear the queue elements
queue_valid.at(j) = bit(0);
} // t
shuffle(L_root_01, L_root_sum, L_root_set, L_root_valid);
sorting(L_root_01, L_root_sum, L_root_set, L_root_valid);
vector<bit> todo_check;
vector<vector<vector<bit>>> todo_set;
for (bigint i = 0; i < L_root_sum.size()-1; i++)
for (bigint offset = 1;offset <= WI1;++offset) {
if (i+offset >= L_root_sum.size()) continue;
bit check;
check = L_root_01.at(i) ^ L_root_01.at(i+offset);
check &= L_root_valid.at(i) & L_root_valid.at(i+offset);
check = check.andn(bit_vector_compare(L_root_sum.at(i+0), L_root_sum.at(i+offset)));
// do weight check if CHECKPI
for (bigint k = 0; k < 2; k++)
vector<vector<bit>> set_check(0);
for (bigint j = PIJ*k; j < PIJ*(k+1); j++) set_check.push_back(L_root_set.at(i+0).at(j));
for (bigint j = PIJ*k; j < PIJ*(k+1); j++) set_check.push_back(L_root_set.at(i+offset).at(j));
check &= set_size_check(set_check, PI);
vector<vector<bit>> set(0);
for (bigint j = 0; j < PIJ*2; j++) set.push_back(L_root_set.at(i+0).at(j));
for (bigint j = 0; j < PIJ*2; j++) set.push_back(L_root_set.at(i+offset).at(j));
vector<bit> queue_valid(QU1);
vector<vector<vector<bit>>> queue_set = bit_cube(QU1, PIJ*4, idx_bits);
bigint timer = 0;
for (bigint z = 0;z < todo_check.size();++z) {
timer = (timer + 1) % PE1;
if (z == todo_check.size()-1)
timer = 0;
// conditionally pushing pairs into the queue
auto check = todo_check.at(z);
auto set = todo_set.at(z);
bit_queue1_insert(queue_valid, check);
bit_matrix_queue_insert(queue_set, set, check);
// processing elements in the queue
if (timer == 0)
for (bigint j = 0; j < QU1; j++)
vector<bit> sum = s2;
for (bigint b = 0; b < 4; b++)
vector<vector<bit>> set_p(0);
for (bigint p = PIJ*b; p < PIJ*(b+1); p++)
bit_vector_ixor(sum, bit_matrix_sum_of_cols(Hs2.at(b & 1), set_p));
// final check
const vector<bit> tp4 = bit_vector_from_integer((CHECKSUM) ? T : T-PI*2);
vector<bit> w_sum = bit_vector_hamming_weight(sum);
bit check_w = alwayssystematic;
if (CHECKSUM == 0) // make sure that the solution has partial weights (*, *, 0, T-PI*2)
check_w &= queue_valid.at(j).andn(bit_vector_integer_compare(w_sum, tp4));
else // make sure that the solution has partial weights (w0, w1, 0, w2) with w0 + w1 + w2 = T
vector<vector<bit>> weight_list(0);
for (bigint b = 0; b < 2; b++)
vector<vector<bit>> set(0);
for (bigint p = PIJ*(b+0); p < PIJ*(b+1); p++) set.push_back(queue_set.at(j).at(p));
for (bigint p = PIJ*(b+2); p < PIJ*(b+3); p++) set.push_back(queue_set.at(j).at(p));
vector<bit> w_tmp(nbits(PIJ*4)), w_final(nbits(PIJ*4 + R-L));
bit_vector_add(w_tmp, weight_list.at(0), weight_list.at(1));
bit_vector_add(w_final, weight_list.at(2), w_tmp);
check_w &= queue_valid.at(j).andn(bit_vector_integer_compare(w_final, tp4));
// store solution
bit_vector_mux(s_ret, sum, check_w);
bit_matrix_mux(set_ret, queue_set.at(j), check_w);
bit_matrix_mux(map_ret, column_map, check_w);
// clear the queue elements
queue_valid.at(j) = bit(0);
} // iter
vector<bit> e_ret(N);
vector<bit> e(0);
vector<vector<bit>> indices0;
vector<vector<bit>> indices1;
vector<vector<bit>> indices2;
vector<vector<bit>> indices3;
for (bigint i = PIJ*0; i < PIJ*1; i++) indices0.push_back(set_ret.at(i));
vector<bit> v0 = indices_to_vector(indices0, (KK-Z)/2);
for (bigint i = PIJ*2; i < PIJ*3; i++) indices1.push_back(set_ret.at(i));
vector<bit> v1 = indices_to_vector(indices1, (KK-Z)/2);
vector<bit> v01 = bit_vector_xor(v0, v1);
for (bigint i = PIJ*1; i < PIJ*2; i++) indices2.push_back(set_ret.at(i));
vector<bit> v2 = indices_to_vector(indices2, (KK-Z+1)/2);
for (bigint i = PIJ*3; i < PIJ*4; i++) indices3.push_back(set_ret.at(i));
vector<bit> v3 = indices_to_vector(indices3, (KK-Z+1)/2);
vector<bit> v23 = bit_vector_xor(v2, v3);
for (bigint i = 0; i < v01.size(); i++) e.push_back(v01.at(i));
for (bigint i = 0; i < v23.size(); i++) e.push_back(v23.at(i));
for (bigint i = 0; i < Z; i++) e.push_back(bit(0));
for (bigint i = 0; i < s_ret.size(); i++) e.push_back(s_ret.at(i));
assert(e.size() == N);
for (bigint i = 0; i < N; i++)
ram_write(e_ret, map_ret.at(i), e.at(i));
// pk has identity implicitly on left, H has it on right
// so change convention for output ordering
vector<bit> e_ret_swap;
for (bigint i = K_orig;i < N;++i)
for (bigint i = 0;i < K_orig;++i)
return e_ret_swap;